Monday, October 28, 2013

Country Profile: Egypt -- By Mickey

People have lived in Egypt for more than 4,000 years. The ancient Egyptians left building called pyramids. that still stand today. You can visit them if you go.

History & Geography 

Egypt shares borders with Israel and Libya.
The location of Egypt is northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Its total area is 1,00,450sq km. It's the 30th largest country. Egypt's climate is desert with hot, dry summers and moderate winters.

Tourists come to Egypt to explore its history.
For the resources of Egypt is Detroleum, natural gas, iron ore, and phosfates. Egypt's main industries, are tourism, textiles and food processing. There are lots of agriculture, like cotton, rice , corn, wheat, beans, water,buffalo, and sheep. Also, 51 percent of Egyptian work in service jobs.


People in Egypt are 90 percent Sunni Muslims of ethnic Egyptian heritage.

Egypt is a rich country. I hope I would never go to Egypt.


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